Admissions – Parents of New Boys

Boarding At St Benedict’s

Bishop Grandin House is a fully-fledged boarding establishment, catering for 75 boys. The boarding house offers both Weekly and Termly Boarding for boys from Grades 8-12. Your son’s “Bennies” experience will be greatly enhanced through the boarding house and all it has to offer. From wonderful food to facilities rivalling those of any school in the country, coupled with caring staff, boarding is the educational option of choice.

Termly and weekly boarding options

Forge life-long friendships

Your son will forge life-long friendships with his fellow boarders and enhance his boarding experience. Boarding is attractive to boys who fully immerse themselves in school life and who maximize school opportunities that are on their doorstep. Boarding offers boys an opportunity to grow in self-confidence and self-esteem in a safe and supportive environment.

A caring environment

Every effort is made to create a caring environment where each boy has the opportunity to realise his full potential both in the classroom and on the sports fields. Dedicated staff monitor the progress of each boy, ensuring that they utilize their opportunities.

Develop important life skills

The orderly life of boarding is combined with independence, self-management, resilience and leadership. Boarders represent a close knit community wherein the cornerstones of the school can be developed to their fullest. Co-operation, collaboration and self-management are important life skills that we strive to develop and the boarding experience supports the growth of these skills along with parameter driven independence.

Fewer distractions, greater involvement

The boarding environment takes both parents and sons out of the traffic and allows for a far greater involvement in the whole life of the College. Fewer distractions mean that the boys can concentrate on the business of building a worthwhile school career. The diversity and mix of ideas leads to a greater tolerance and understanding of others whilst living together encourages a generosity of spirit and the fostering of friendships which last for a lifetime.