Academics – Academic Resources

Academic Resources In The Preparatory School

The Preparatory School provides your son with all the resources to equip him for success; from a state of the art computer laboratory, to a mordern, fresh and inviting library, to online collaboration for homework and assignments. Extra lessons are also offered as part of the afternoon programme.


Our Prep School library is an inviting and welcoming multi-purpose space, in which boys are able to access different resources for research and study purposes.

Computer Lab

We have a well equipped Computer Laboratory and boys are able to develop coding and programming skills using different resources such as Chromebooks and relevant Apps.

Problem-based Learning

In the Preparatory School, we encourage Problem Based Learning and the boys participate regularly in STEAM week and Outdoor Classroom Day.

Textbooks And Stationery

Textbooks and stationery are for our parents’ own account. At the end of each year textbooks and stationery use is revised by academic staff. Lists of requirements are sent to parents before the end of the academic year in order for parents to purchase. Recommended stockists are used to ensure that the correct requirements are purchased.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom allows staff to make contact with boys regarding various activities, homework tasks and assignments. In the younger grades, parents are invited as guardians enabling them to remain up to date with their son’s activities. As the boys move through the grades the boys are encouraged to work independently on Google Classroom, submitting tasks and assignments directly to their subject teacher. Google Classroom has become an added necessity enabling successful online teaching and learning.

Take A Tour

Take our online, virtual tour to see our well-equipped computer lab.

Take A Tour

Take our online, virtual tour to see our well-equipped computer lab.