
Apply For A Scholarship At St Benedict’s

St Benedict’s offers a limited number of scholarships each year to boys entering the College at Grade 8. No Scholarships are offered to boys entering any other grade or to boys who are currently enrolled in another grade at the school.

Scholarship Information

The Grade 8 Scholarship Applications for 2025 have now closed.

Admission Criteria

Only boys who achieved an academic average of 75% and above at the end of Grade 6 will be admitted to the scholarship process. The examinations consists of two papers usually written in March each year.

Awarding Of Scholarship

This is based on the results of the examination; completion of the Scholarship Application Form; and a formal interview. Academic, sporting, cultural and leadership achievements are all taken into account.

Scholarship Announcement

Announcements of offers of scholarships are made in April on a date set by the Independent Schools Association of South Africa.

Book a Tour

School Tours are available on request.