
Academics In The Junior Preparatory School

St Benedict’s Junior Preparatory School is a vibrant and stimulating environment which ensures that young boys between the ages of 4 and 9 are given the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge that will build a solid foundation for their learning path. Boys begin this journey in Grade 00 where numeracy, literacy and socio-emotional skills are developed. Play and hands on authentic experiences ensures that all boys are continually stretched to reach their full potential. Each following Grade continues to grow each boy into the best version of himself. Grade 1 is such an exciting year as boys experience the wonder and magic of learning to read. The Junior Prep phase ends in Grade 3 when they have gained all the skills necessary to learn to read.

Learning Areas

The Academic programme is based on the National Curriculum (CAPS) and taught integrated with the ACTIVE curriculum. Learning is centred on three main learning areas; Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills.

Well-qualified Staff

Teaching and learning is directed at how boys develop and meets the needs of all individuals. Staff are well-qualified to meet the educational and emotional requirements of boys; and ongoing professional development ensures that our teachers are current and innovative.

Academic Support

An Academic Support teacher, Intern teachers and small group teaching sessions provides a platform to aid and assist all learners. Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy services are available on site.

Three Main Learning Areas

Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills


Literacy focuses on learning vital communication skills in both the written and spoken form.


Numeracy equips boys with mathematical knowledge and skills necessary to identify and solve problems; and manipulate numbers in different ways.

Life Skills

Life Skills centres on the holistic development of the boys. It promotes social, emotional, physical and spiritual development. Technology, Sport, Music and Art form part of this component.

National Curriculum

The Academic programme is based on the National Curriculum (CAPS) and taught integrated with the ACTIVE curriculum. The National Curriculum is further enhanced and enriched by the ACTIVE curriculum used throughout the school journey at St Benedict’s. It is an academic philosophy aimed at aligning the principles of a 21st century education. This includes age appropriate teaching methodologies to help achieve meaningful learning experiences.

Active Acronym

A – Authentic learning involves a genuine sense of learning and remaining open-minded to the ideas expressed by others.

C- Collaborative learning seeks to create opportunities where boys work together to generate knowledge and develop skills.

T- Technology is used to enhance and improve upon the learning experience. It is integrated into the learning pathway to develop learners who are able to think critically, collaborate and solve problems.

I – Inquiry- based learning is based on the constructivist theory model, It starts by posing problems, asking questions and setting scenarios.

V – Visible Thinking is a board and flexible framework for enriching classroom learning.By making thinking visible we are learning by what we hear and see with all our senses.

E –Entrepreneurial / Entreleadership. We strive to produce boys who have the skills and initiatives to anticipate current and future needs.