
Religion At St Benedict’s College

Where do I come from? Why am I here? What happens when I die? Does God exist?

At St Benedict’s College we believe that everyone considers these questions at some stage in their life and that our faith can answer all of them. We hope that our curriculum will encourage every boy to look deeper into their own faithview and thus become more active members of their faith community. We do not wish to indoctrinate anyone, but rather to encourage our boys to be lifelong seekers of truth.

We are a Catholic School

We teach Catholicism hoping to enrich the faith of those boys who already are Catholic and make sure every boy at our school knows that Jesus Christ would like to have a relationship with him, but the choice is up to the individual, he will not be forced.

Sacrament Of Confirmation

Grade 8 – 10 are preparation years for anyone wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Fr Thabo likes to shepherd these boys and their families along this journey closely and develops good relationships with the boys through the process.

Christian Principles And Moral Values

Christian principles and moral values are inculcated not only through Religious Education classes and the R.E. and Liturgical programmes, but throughout the academic curriculum in the classroom and on the sportsfields.

The Christian Faith Enriches Our Daily Lives

St Benedict’s is serious about matters of the faith which is evidenced by the amount of time we set aside to ensure we enrich ourselves.

  • We start and end the day in prayer and the whole school comes to a standstill at 12h00 everyday to allow for the praying of the Angelus.
  • Every boy attends two Religious Education classes a week and attends an annual retreat.
  • The whole College celebrates First Friday Mass every month and each Grade has a Grade Mass in the Chapel once a term.
  • We also have daily optional Masses in our Oratory which all boys, parents and staff are welcome to attend
  • Fr Thabo, our full time school Chaplain, also makes himself available for Confessions 3 times a week.