
Academic Curriculum In The Preparatory School

The Preparatory School adopted the “ACTIVE” curriculum two years ago. It has changed the role of teachers from the traditional centre and front of the class, to facilitator and guide. The boys are encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for their own learning in spaces that are flexible, open and safe. The “ACTIVE” curriculum encourages boys to become critical in their thinking and to develop the 21st Century skills needed for success.

  • English
  • Afrikaans
  • isiZulu
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Information Technology
  • Life Orientation
  • Music
  • Art
  • Drama
  • Religious Education
  • Economic Management (for Gr 7 only)

A two reporting system is followed. Reports are released digitally via the ADAM database at the end of each semester. A settling report is shared with parents just before half term of term one and parents are also invited to a “Meet and Greet” at around the same time. Parents are always welcome to set up times to meet with teachers at any stage prior to or after that particular afternoon.


Our academic curricula are based on the National Curriculum and are compatible with the best international approaches to teaching and learning. Our tailor-made active academic approach blends 21st century critical-thinking skills and positive dispositions with academic rigour so that your son can continue to apply, create and achieve in the years that lie beyond school graduation. The Preparatory School received its most recent IEB accreditation in March 2018.


Using the CAPS document as a guideline, teachers strive to ensure that learning in and outside the classroom is authentic and creative using technology and visible thinking strategies to enhance the learning experience. Boys are encouraged to become critical in their thinking and to develop the 21st Century skills needed for success.


“ACTIVE” is an acronym which reminds us all that learning should be and include:

  • Authentic
  • Collaborative, communication, creativity, critical thinking
  • Technology
  • Inquiry-based
  • Visible thinking
  • Entrepreneurial/Entreleadership