JP School Life

Welcome From The Junior Preparatory Head

Welcome to St Benedict’s Junior Prep. This is the part of the school where the foundations for academic excellence are laid. Boys from Grade 00 to Grade 3 develop a love for learning in our nurturing environment.

– Mrs Michelle Myburgh, Junior Preparatory Head

Mrs Michelle Myburgh, Junior Preparatory Head

Welcome to St Benedict’s Junior Prep. This is the part of the school where the foundations for academic excellence are laid. Boys from Grade 00 to Grade 3 develop a love for learning in our nurturing environment.

We recognise that boys are most often physically active, competitive and likely to take risks. We therefore intentionally build these characteristics into our curriculum so that learning is fun for our boys. Through our core pillars of academics, religion, sport and culture the boys are exposed to a variety of opportunities in their inclusive day so that they receive a balanced education. We nurture curiosity and a sense of wonder.

Good values such as kindness, honesty, compassion and gratitude are integrated into all areas of school life. As a Catholic school, a strong emphasis is placed on the social and emotional well-being of the boys.

Today’s world is a fast-changing environment, and our teachers are learners who keep up to date with the changing methods. They constantly evaluate their teaching to ensure that they are doing all they can to help the boys achieve their full potential and improve their learning experience. They are patient, adaptable and committed.

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Take A Tour

Take our online, virtual tour to see our school and some of its facilities.